Automatically Take EBS Snapshots and Delete Old Ones with PHP Script
I am a big fan of Amazon’s RDS product, which takes automated nightly snapshots of your RDS Storage and deletes old snapshots after a specified amount of time. After reading that Amazon’s EBS drives sustain a 0.1% – 0.5% Annual Failure Rate, I also wanted to take automated nightly snapshots of my EBS drives. Deleting snapshots after a certain number of days was also of interest, because this way I am not over-paying for snapshot storage at Amazon or removing snapshots manually. I also wanted to email the results to myself after backups were taken.
I did some searching on Google and found a nice script by Chris at Applied Trust Engineering, Inc. that runs PHP from the command line to create an automatic snapshot. I used this script as an example to setup my script, so thanks, Chris. My script has support for:
- Backup Multiple EBS Volumes
- Protect against script running again and creating another snapshot too soon
- Delete Snapshots after a Specified Period of Time
- Script outputs Detailed Snapshot Information for these 5 categories:
- Snapshots that succeeded
- Snapshots that failed and had errors
- Old Snapshots that were removed
- Old Snapshots that had errors while trying to remove
- Snapshots that were preserved
- Includes PHPMailer code to email results of script to yourself
Script Setup
You will need: (all links open in new window)
- My ebs_backup.php Code (download is a zip) (or look below)
- Stores snapshot information in “./snapshot_information.json” – Make sure PHP can write this file
- Configure the lines of code within the configuration comment blocks
- Run script periodically to your needs with CRON or whatever
- Requires AWS PHP SDK be configured for your AWS Account:
- Optional PHPMailer Support to email results to yourself: (configure PHPMailer at the very bottom of the script)
Screenshot of Output
Source Code
snapshot_information.json: (just initialize it to an empty list and make sure PHP can write to it)
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<? /************************************************************************** | | Script to Automate EBS Backups | Run this script with CRON or whatever every X period of time to take | automatic snapshots of your EBS Volumes. Script will delete old | snapshot after Y period of time | | Version 1.01 updated 2012-08-02 | | Copyright 2012 Caleb Lloyd | | | I offer no warrant or guarentee on this code - use at your own risk | You are free to modify and redistribute this code as you please | | Requires AWS PHP SDK be configured for your AWS Account: | | | Optional PHPMailer Support to email results to yourself | | | Stores snapshot information in "./snapshot_information.json" | Make sure PHP can write this file | **************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************** | Begin Configuration **************************************************************************/ //Declare the volumes that you want to backup //The Volume ID's are the keys of the array, you can store any custom information you //want in value array, or just keep it blank. Make sure you keep it as a blank array //because the script will fillthis up with values... $volumes=array( 'vol-11111111'=>array(), 'vol-22222222'=>array() ); //Do not take a snapshot more than every X hours/minutes/days, etc. (uses strtotime) //This prevents the script from running out of control and producing tons of snapshots $snapshot_limit = '23 hours'; //Keep snapshots for this amount of time (also uses strtotime) $keep_snapshots = '7 days 12 hours'; //Your path to the Amazon AWS PHP SDK require_once 'path_to_aws_php_sdk/sdk.class.php'; //EC2 Region, view path_to_aws_php_sdk/services/ec2.class.php for definitions $region=''; //Your path to PHP Mailer (if you don't want to eamil yourself the results, you can get rid of this) require_once('path_to_PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php'); //Go to bottom of script to configure PHP Mailer settings /************************************************************************** | End Configuration **************************************************************************/ function snapshot_info($s) { $info='<p>'; $info.='Volume: '.$s['volume'].'<br />'; $info.=(!empty($s['volume_name'])?'Volume Name: '.$s['volume_name'].'<br />':''); $info.=(!empty($s['snapshot'])?'Snapshot: '.$s['snapshot'].'<br />':''); $info.=(!empty($s['instance'])?'EC2 Instance: '.$s['instance'].'<br />':''); $info.=(!empty($s['device'])?'Device: '.$s['device'].'<br />':''); $info.=(!empty($s['error'])?'Error: '.$s['error'].'<br />':''); $info.=(!empty($s['datetime'])?'Date/Time: '.$s['datetime'].'<br />':''); $info.='</p>'; return $info; } $success=array(); $failure=array(); $preserve=array(); $success_delte=array(); $failure_delete=array(); $ec2 = new AmazonEC2(); $ec2 = $ec2->set_region($region); $latest_snapshot=array(); if (file_exists('snapshot_information.json')) $json=file_get_contents('snapshot_information.json'); else $json='[]'; $snapshots=json_decode($json,TRUE); foreach ($snapshots as $s) { if (!empty($lastest_snapshot[$s['volume']])) { if ($s['timestamp']>$lastest_snapshot[$s['volume']]['timestamp']) { $lastest_snapshot[$s['volume']]=$s; } } else { $lastest_snapshot[$s['volume']]=$s; } } foreach ($volumes as $volume => $v) { $v['volume']=$volume; $v['instance']='Not Attached to an Instance'; $volume_information = $ec2->describe_volumes(array('VolumeId' => $volume)); $v['volume_name'] = '(volume has no tags)'; if (!empty($volume_information->body->volumeSet->item->tagSet->item->value)) { $v['volume_name'] = (string)$volume_information->body->volumeSet->item->tagSet->item->value; } $description = 'Volume '.$volume.(empty($v['volume_name'])?'':' ('.$v['volume_name'].')'); if (!empty($volume_information->body->volumeSet->item->attachmentSet->item->status)) { if ($volume_information->body->volumeSet->item->attachmentSet->item->status == "attached") { $v['device'] = (string)$volume_information->body->volumeSet->item->attachmentSet->item->device; $v['instance'] = (string)$volume_information->body->volumeSet->item->attachmentSet->item->instanceId; $description.=' attached to '.$v['instance'].' as '.$v['device']; } } else { $description.= ' ('.$v['instance'].')'; } if ((!empty($lastest_snapshot[$volume]))&&($lastest_snapshot[$volume]['timestamp']>strtotime('-'.$snapshot_limit))) { $error=TRUE; $v['datetime']=date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $v['timestamp']=time(); $v['error']='An Automatic Snapshot Already Exists for that volume in the past '.$snapshot_limit; $failure[]=$v; } else { $response = $ec2->create_snapshot($volume, array('Description'=>$description)); if ($response->isOK()) { $v['datetime']=date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $v['timestamp']=time(); $v['snapshot']=(string)$response->body->snapshotId; $success[$v['snapshot']]=$v; } else { $error=TRUE; $v['datetime']=date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $v['timestamp']=time(); $v['error']=(string)$response->body->Errors->Error->Message; $failure[]=$v; } } } if (!empty($snapshots)) { foreach ($snapshots as $snapshot => $s) { $s['snapshot']=$snapshot; if ($s['timestamp']<strtotime('-'.$keep_snapshots)) { $response = $ec2->delete_snapshot($snapshot); if ($response->isOK()) { $success_delete[$snapshot]=$s; } else { $error=TRUE; $s['error']=(string)$response->body->Errors->Error->Message; $failure_delete[$snapshot]=$s; } } else { $preserve[$snapshot]=$s; } } $snapshots_json=json_encode(array_merge($success,$preserve)); } else { $snapshots_json=json_encode($success); } file_put_contents('snapshot_information.json',$snapshots_json); $message=''; if (!empty($success)) { $message.='<p><strong>The following Snapshots Succeeded:</strong></p>'; foreach ($success as $v) { $message.=snapshot_info($v); } } if (!empty($failure)) { $message.='<p><strong>The following Snapshots Failed and had Errors:</strong></p>'; foreach ($failure as $v) { $message.=snapshot_info($v); } } if (!empty($success_delete)) { $message.='<p><strong>The following old Snapshots were removed:</strong></p>'; foreach ($success_delete as $v) { $message.=snapshot_info($v); } } if (!empty($failure_delete)) { $message.='<p><strong>The following old Snapshots had errors while trying to remove:</strong></p>'; foreach ($failure_delete as $v) { $message.=snapshot_info($v); } } if (!empty($preserve)) { $message.='<p><strong>The following Snapshots were preserved:</strong></p>'; foreach ($preserve as $v) { $message.=snapshot_info($v); } } echo $message; /************************************************************************** | Begin PHPMailer Script | Remove Below This Line if you don't want to EMail results to yourself | This is the SMTP Example | For other examples in PHPMailer, go to path_to_PHPMailer/examples **************************************************************************/ $mail = new PHPMailer(true); // the true param means it will throw exceptions on errors, which we need to catch $mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP try { $mail->Host = ""; // SMTP server $mail->SMTPDebug = 2; // enables SMTP debug information (for testing) $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication $mail->Host = ""; // sets the SMTP server $mail->Port = 26; // set the SMTP port for the GMAIL server $mail->Username = "yourname@yourdomain"; // SMTP account username $mail->Password = "yourpassword"; // SMTP account password $mail->AddReplyTo('[email protected]', 'First Last'); $mail->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'John Doe'); $mail->SetFrom('[email protected]', 'First Last'); $mail->Subject = 'EBS Snapshot Backup Information for '.date('Y-m-d').' - '.($error?'ERRORS':'Success'); $mail->MsgHTML($message); $mail->Send(); echo "Message Sent OK</p>\n"; } catch (phpmailerException $e) { echo $e->errorMessage(); //Pretty error messages from PHPMailer } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); //Boring error messages from anything else! } /************************************************************************** | End PHPMailer Script | Remove Above This Line if you don't want to EMail results to yourself **************************************************************************/ ?>